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Family and Education Assistance

The CIA Officer’s Memorial Foundation’s original charter primarily provided educational support (college or trade school) to the children of CIA officers who were killed in the line of duty. Now, 20 years after its creation, our mission has expanded to include providing financial and scholarship support to officers severely wounded while serving in a war zone abroad.
Family Assistance
The CIA family does not forget its fallen colleagues and proudly looks after those they leave behind. Thanks to the generosity of people just like you, the CIA Officers Memorial Foundation continues to expand its programs of financial and educational assistance to a broader range of deserving CIA families.
Since our inception, we have helped the families of numerous Agency officers and Contractors with financial assistance following their deaths. The Foundation works closely with the CIA Casualty Assistance Office to ensure that when the death of an Agency officer occurs, we become immediately involved to assist the family.
Educational Assistance for Youth
For the academic year 2021-2022, the Foundation awarded scholarships and other educational support, totaling $1,762,631.00 for 73 family members of deceased CIA officers to attend colleges and universities around the country. This amount now includes Master’s Degree programs for a select number of graduate students.
The Foundation provides educational support to the following categories of surviving CIA family members:
The children and spouses of CIA officers and contractors of the CIA who were killed in the line of duty in hostile operational environments around the world and who are honored on the Wall of Stars at CIA Headquarters. These children and spouses are known as Memorial Star Students.
The children and spouses of CIA officers who died while on active duty from accident, illness or other causes; and the children and spouses of CIA officers who died within two years of a medical disability retirement, as a result of a fatal illness incurred while on active duty. These students are considered Financial Need Students.
The Foundation scholarships include funds for students attending college, either full-time or part-time. Students who attend full-time are also eligible for the costs of dorms or apartments if living off campus, meal plans or groceries, and books.
Do you know an individual who may be eligible for a scholarship from our organization?
Please contact us at scholarships@comf2001.org if you or a family member wish to know more about the application process and would like to have an application sent to you.
Daycare Assistance Program
The Day Care Assistance Program was established in 2019 to support the growing needs of our families with younger children. In order to qualify for the Program, you must have responsibility for a child (or children) at home, who are already in a daycare program, and who are under the age of 14. Applicants must be enrolled in a licensed daycare facility, care provider, after-school program, summer or sports camp while the parent or guardian is employed either on a part-time or full-time basis. In addition, the child must be eligible for the Foundation’s scholarship assistance program once he/she reaches college age.
If you have any questions about eligibility or know of special circumstances outside this criteria, please contact us. We take great pride in giving personal attention to each and every one of our family members, and are here to help. For all questions or inquiries regarding the Day Care Assistance Program, please contact us at scholarships@comf2001.org.